
Hello, my name is Raine.

Creating and making is at my core. That, combined with a restless spirit and a curious nature inspires me to discover possibility, freedom and beauty around me. Join me as I share my journey!

A beautiful simple life

A beautiful simple life

​Practising the art of letting go

For many of us life is a race to be run...achievements, grades, promotions, power and accumulated possessions. This is the template for how we define who we are... our identity according to Man made law and our need for social acceptance.

There is a big shift and an awareness now that this is no longer satisfying or meeting our needs. 

In my own life I now seek to hear my hearts whisperings and follow my star.  I am on a journey of letting go of what no longer serves me.

In the past two years I have let go of a house, a mortgage, benefits, security, a career and my beautiful big art studio to make way for a life of simplicity and adventure.

What I discovered along the way was the freedom to think outside the box... always the potential for a big new ( albeit simple) adventure, and time... breathing space to observe and celebrate the abundance in ways I never thought possible. 

Did it change my life? Yes! I am still  in wonder every day with the miracle of the unfolding of life.

I’m guided and inspired now towards a simple, real aesthetic... the loosening of ties, of possessions, people and ideas that feel outmoded and are no longer a reflection of who I am becoming.

With each trip to the charity shop to pass on my once treasured items I am grateful for it all and for my continued adventures and learning. 

Life looks full of possibility and I know I can create the life I want to lead. If I want to make a difference in my life, and in the lives of others, it starts with me. 

The simpler the better... what does that mean? We have accumulated so much ‘stuff’ in order to feel comfortable, accomplished and safe... and none of it is real. It’s just stuff!

We are all we need. The answer is inside. 

What is really important to you? What makes your heart sing with joy?Move towards that. Go do it. 

Do more of what feels loving, joyfull, expansive. Create amazing real experiences and give your time to the things and people you love.

Creating simple, joyfull healthy habits daily, is the best way to start your journey to your best self and connecting with those simple pleasures. 

What inspires you? Make a list of simple pleasures and indulge. Follow your intuition and give gratitude every precious day. Your way of seeing the world is unique to your experience of the world.

Create a beautiful, simple and meaningful life for yourself by listening to your Soul calling.

Share your joy with with gestures of beauty and love and watch it ripple out...                 

On becoming brave

On becoming brave

