On becoming brave
and stepping back.. giving space to our lives and allowing the Universe to show or demonstrate the next step on our journey.
If I had dreamt 30 years ago that I would be where I am, living the way I live I could not have imagined the freedom, trust and possibility that has become my life. It isn’t perfect.. but it’s mine and I know that I have helped to create some of the amazing experiences and nuances that have unfolded by taking courage in the face of fear, and trusting that one way or another, it would work out as it should.
Always with the best intentions and encouragement from the whispers of the Universe, I boldly and sometimes haphazardly followed the urgings of my Soul.
I don’t run after perfection or determined outcomes ...I have learned to trust ... I relish ‘not knowing’ what’s around the next corner, aware of synchronicity and the magic that occurs when we take our hands off the wheel.
Some things cannot be explained and it’s ok that we don’t know.
Becoming brave is a journey for us all, unique to our past and present experiences, values, lessons learned and our perceptions of ‘what is’.
it takes great courage to trust, to realise that we don’t have all the answers ... to relinquish control.
Sometimes we lose our way, our purpose and are battered and torn only to be gently woven together again at some later date, repurposed stronger and with a firmer foundation. We find a new footing... and often a completely new direction.
It is with each experience and every opportunity we take to reflect and discern, decide and bravely discard what is no longer of use to us on our journey, that we accept growth, change and transformation as part of life. Be brave sweet butterfly... there is so much beauty to embrace...