
Hello, my name is Raine.

Creating and making is at my core. That, combined with a restless spirit and a curious nature inspires me to discover possibility, freedom and beauty around me. Join me as I share my journey!

Supermoon…super power

Supermoon…super power


Really feeling the power of the recent fullmoon (supermoon)… it’s stirrings and prompts to embrace Mother Earth and consider the planting of seeds. Seeds of possibility, ideas, callings, urges, slow and steady steps of progress towards our dreams…nurturing, checking in, listening.

Give these dreams attention, a little bit of space and time to sprout, to flourish at their own pace. Anywhere we place our attention it will grow and expand… make that focus something worthwhile… something for you, of you.

Those things that you are leaving until later, when you have more time… don’t.

If something would bring you great joy make time for it. Encourage yourself as you would a tiny sprout of a plant, any sign of life and possibility, nurture and give space and watch it grow.

Start now, even in a small way…accumulation over time brings results. It flowers and blooms and soon we are standing in our dreams!

As we journey now towards Spring we have time to dream, to wonder and to plant those small seeds in our hearts. Come the spring they will already be pushing through and gloriously basking in the joy of new life and firm foundations.

I wish you the best of dreams!

Flying high

Flying high

Musing in 2020

Musing in 2020