
Hello, my name is Raine.

Creating and making is at my core. That, combined with a restless spirit and a curious nature inspires me to discover possibility, freedom and beauty around me. Join me as I share my journey!

Flying high

Flying high

A bird story…

I don’t usually paint birdhouses with such enthusiasm and anticipation. I paint mixed media canvases… or sketch, and more recently flex my creative muscle with watercolours and illustrations… but back to the birdhouses!

So suddenly last summer with an old red barn spilling over with found driftwood pieces and offcuts from recent renovations, inspiration struck and the birdhouse project took flight. My husband built the houses and I discovered sheer delight in creating a unique new home with each one he produced.

Seems that my love of ‘abodes’ in general, and tiny houses in particular, had now narrowed down to a petite wooden box, gaily designed for the next curious feathered tenant!

Fast forward to present day and the unique and uncertain position we now find ourselves in. What to do with the doubts, the questions, the unsettling mounting awareness that things may never be quite the same again?

As always, I turn inwards as my creative thirst responds and I find my answers, my solace in following my heart, my art, to a place of peace and joy… in the process of creating.

The release of an idea borne of curiosity and a need to find my place in the world, and maybe, the birds can find theirs.

As with the birds, who take up temporary residence in the birdhouses, nothing is permanent, change is inevitable and the more willing we are to accept those changes, the more peace we will find.


Mamas rose…

Supermoon…super power

Supermoon…super power